(Comedic) Relief for Your Workflow

*This month’s post is written by Katie Huey*

Comedian Demitri Martin is a master at stating the ordinary in a hilarious way. If you can put up with an ad and tolerate a bleeped out swear word, I invite you to laugh for one minute and forty-four seconds. Keep going past the leprechaun. If that’s too much, skip to 1:23.

Over the last eleven months, I’ve felt like both the straw seeker and the one being bombarded by ice. 

Systems I trusted seemed to fail me. I’m going to have to relearn how to make eye contact. My energy went towards learning new systems and using skills on new platforms. I climbed a steep learning curve.

Uncertainty and fear sometimes kept me in the wait-and-see mode. 

With the turning of a new year and slivers of light coming through, I’m hearing from many leaders that the metaphorical ice has been released. With clanks on glass and splashes of water to the face, a new pace of work may be whooshing right at you.

Which of these is closest to what you’re experiencing?

1. I tapped on the glass and all the ice cubes are striking

You’re hearing shouts of, “NOW!”

If the work is coming quickly, and gears are churning, you can establish “Goals and Roles” for your team. Whether you’re looking at all of 2021 or instead planning in shorter increments, as you expect things can change (think 1 - 3 months), knowing who will do what when is important. Start with your objectives and move backwards to what you can do now to make what you want to accomplish actually happen. Email me for a template you can use.

2. I lost the straw and am wondering how stupid I’m looking

Maybe you’re chasing the straw - making it up as you go and feeling a little foolish. We’ve all been there. 

Getting an outside perspective can help you validate where you’re on the right track. You may even uncover new possibilities. One-on-one coaching can move you from confused and unclear to meeting your target with confidence. Keep your eye on the prize.

3. I’ve tossed the straw and the ice is doing its job keeping things cool and collected

Awesome! Take inventory on what projects can be possible in this still uncertain environment. Ask what’s going well and what could be better with your current situation. And cover these topics with your team to see what could be missing. 

As you take a sip... 

We know we’re still in this pandemic. We’ve got months to go before we emerge on the other side. 

We know you’re working hard and taking action. And if you’re still waiting, hoping for something to chew on, at least it’s good to laugh.

Let’s set up a conversation to explore what’s working well and what could be better as you navigate what’s next.