Workshop Series - Reducing Drama in the Workplace [and Everywhere Else]
Every day at work, in our families, and in our communities, we experience unhelpful Drama. We misunderstand people we’re with and their behaviors, which can lead us to mislabel them and their intentions. We might vent our frustrations to others, which usually ends up adding to everyone’s dissatisfaction. We avoid problematic topics and people only to find ourselves in false harmony and simmering irritation. And we can discover ourselves in fights where no-one is getting what they want. All this Drama reduces the energy we need to do important things together.
And yet it is possible to reduce the Drama we experience through awareness of what’s happening, getting more curious to understand others better, and shifting our own perspectives and behaviors.
What would it be like to experience less drama in your workplace, family, and community?
Trebuchet Group partners with Caitlin Walker, author of From Contempt to Curiosity. We lead a series of interactive workshops where you will learn symptoms and cost of drama, the Drama Triangle, how to spot it, and how to honor others while inviting yourself and them to reduce the drama that’s present. Participants gain new perspectives, be equipped to start self-management, and take away some tools to start addressing drama in your workplace and life.
2024 Workshop Series
Video Snapshots
What do we want to have happen?
What do you do when people want different things?
What kind of ...
Clean questions keep us completely safe from the assumptions, judgements, and helpfulness from others.
Ask what do I want right now?
What happens when we feel uncomfortable on our teams and want to smooth things over?
Our Facilitator
Caitlin Walker, PhD is the author of From Contempt to Curiosity - creating the conditions for groups to collaborate - with clean language and systemic modelling. She has led many innovative and transformational projects in a variety of settings including with at-risk students, corporations, police services, and universities.
Caitlin grew up in Ghana, California, and the UK. Living in these different cultures, she got curious about how we develop our cultural rules and internal systems. When she met David Grove in New Zealand and learned about his Clean Questions, she was inspired to build on his model to help people learn about themselves and others.
She has since developed her modelling skills from small scale group development to whole scale organizational culture change programs. She designs and delivers tailor made learning and development programs for addressing diversity, conflict, leadership, managing mergers and creating learning organizations.
Caitlin is a sought-after speaker, leading engaging workshops. You can get a taste of Caitlin with her TED Talk and Drama-Free Culture podcast with Aga Bajer.