Help! My People Are Fighting Instead of Working Together

Help! My People Are Fighting Instead of Working Together

My organization feels more like a battlefield than a team. Instead of collaborating, people are getting defensive, keeping information to themselves, and assuming the worst about each other. Everyone is so focused on protecting their own turf that teamwork is falling apart. How do I stop the fighting and get people back on the same page?

— Frustrated Leader

Dear Frustrated,

When stress is high and resources are stretched thin, even great teams can start acting like rival factions. Instead of giving each other the benefit of the doubt, people assume the worst. A teammate who’s drowning in work looks like they’re slacking off. Someone juggling conflicting priorities suddenly seems like they “just don’t care.”

This is called fundamental attribution error—our natural tendency to blame people’s character instead of their circumstances. Add uncertainty and scarcity to the mix, and it’s a recipe for tension and mistrust. No wonder people are fighting instead of working together.

So how do you get everyone back on track?

How to Turn Things Around

  • Call out what’s happening. Don’t let frustration fester.
    Say something like, "Hey, it seems like there’s some tension here. Can we talk about what’s really going on?"

  • Ask better questions. Instead of making assumptions, get curious.
    Try: “What’s a challenge you’re dealing with that I might not see?”

  • Shift from ‘Us vs. Them’ to ‘Us vs. the Problem.’
    Instead of finger-pointing, ask: "What are we trying to accomplish together?"

  • Remind people of the bigger picture.
    When folks reconnect with why they’re here, they’re less likely to get stuck in petty battles.

Silos: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Silos can be useful—they help teams focus and move fast. 

But they also create walls that block the sharing of information and fuel misunderstandings.
The pros: everyone enjoys clear roles, efficiency, and a shared language.
The cons: people get tripped up by miscommunication, “us vs. them” thinking, and hoarding of resources.
If you’re hearing things like “No one told me that” or “I have to protect my team from what others are doing,” your workplace is probably stuck in silo mode. The goal isn’t to tear down silos—it’s to build better connections between them.

Your Next Move

If people are clashing, don’t ignore it. Start small—bring a few key people together and have an honest conversation. Ask what’s really going on and then listen without judgment.

When we can understand where people are coming from, empathy and positive connections increase. We all are human and want to be seen, feel purposeful, and that our contributions matter.

When people stop making negative assumptions and instead start talking, the fighting can fade, and teamwork can improve. 

If you’re wondering what could be different in how your teams are working together, let’s have a conversation.