I'm new to a leadership role and I'm overwhelmed. Where do I start?

Dear New to Leadership,

Congratulations! Stepping into a leadership role is one of the bravest things someone can do! You’re embarking on a journey sure to be filled with ups and downs, and it can be helpful to have guides who walk with you as you grow. 

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed. When I did a quick Google search of “best leadership books”, 10,200,000 hits came back. There are many voices in this space - all with ideas, suggestions, advice, and questions to help you succeed in your role. And research has told us that most people are in a leadership role for ten years before they get any formal training - way to be ahead of the curve!

As you sort through the noise, and take on new tasks and opportunities in your role, I’m going to suggest you start with three questions.

1. What kind of leader will you be?

Being new to a leadership role, it can be helpful to start with your motivations for leadership.  What values are driving your work and how you will choose to show up in connections to others? Patrick Lencioni writes in his book The Motive, “As it turns out, the primary motive for most young people, and too many older ones, is the rewards that leadership brings with it. Things like notoriety, status, and power. But people who are motivated by these things won’t embrace the demands of leadership when they see little or no connection between doing their duties and receiving those rewards.” What motivates you in this work?

2. What kind of a team will you create?

How will you help your teams work together in a healthy way and with ease so that they are not prone to unhealthy conflict and stalled wheels? Leaders all over the world are wondering how to get people to move in the same direction with enthusiasm and commitment. The conversations you have with your new teams in the beginning of your work together can help build trust and forge new pathways in the work you are doing together. 

3. How will you steward the organization?

What is the purpose of the work you are doing? And how often can you reassess where you are going, together? We believe it’s a leader's privilege to care for both their people and the positive impact the organization can have in the world. Will you have community partners, opportunities to give back, and growing plans?  You can start small, knowing you can make big impacts in the lives of those you serve.

Since you’re new to a leadership role, we know you have lots of choices in how you craft your own leadership. If you’re looking for something that is rooted in purpose and successful in incorporating values, we recommend digging into Ripple: A Field Manual for Leadership that Works. Centered on collaboration, Ripple Leaders work to enable the best in themselves and everyone else. They desire a deeper understanding of their strengths and what they want to achieve, and they know how to stay just a step ahead of those they are leading while working in service of others. You can gain confidence and clarity as you jump into this work. Sign up for a free insight session about what support would be helpful as you begin your journey.

PS. We’re hosting a webinar on July 20 called 6 Things Ripple Leaders Do Differently. Join us there! And you can get a copy of Chris’ book here.