My team said they won’t talk to me - what do I do?

My team said they won’t talk to me - what do I do?

While there are lots of reasons people decide not to talk or share information with a leader, our experience shows the top two are:

  1. People aren’t feeling psychologically safe - they feel what they say can and will be held against them, especially when it involves their current and future well-being

  2. People aren’t seeing a better future - they feel stuck because they aren’t enjoying their current reality yet don’t see anything better nor any way to get there

Until you deal with the first item and get some communication going, you can’t address the second.

Last year's DIY team retreat was a disaster - what do I do this year?

Last year's DIY team retreat was a disaster - what do I do this year?

We hear from many committed leaders who set out to rally their people in the right direction and call us after their self-facilitated retreat with: “There has got to be a better way to do this year-end retreat thing!”

Here are a few fails we’ve seen people experience when running their own DIY retreats along with a few remedies to make your retreat work well for everyone.

My questions to my staff at work are backfiring - what do I do?

My questions to my staff at work are backfiring - what do I do?

The old adage “There’s no such thing as a bad question” might feel like a slap in the face. Rather than good or bad questions, we like to think of questions as unhelpful or helpful. Some questions can help everyone get to a good outcome. Others do the opposite. Consider these subtle shifts to help you get the outcomes you are striving for when asking questions of your employees.

Our meetings often suck ... the life out of everyone. How can we stay energized and on track during hard team work?

Our meetings often suck ... the life out of everyone. How can we stay energized and on track during hard team work?

We know leaders want the precious time they have with their teams to be productive and full of connection. It’s challenging to keep energy up when the stakes are high. Combat common issues leaders juggle when staring down the challenge of holding effective meetings with these helpful ideas.

What are you growing at your company?

What are you growing at your company?

As a leader, you’re something of a gardener. It’s your job to nurture people and the culture so there’s a positive environment - a place where people are growing into their best selves, cultivating their talents, and working together for everyone’s benefit. Without tending, your company can become as unwelcoming as that gravel-strewn back lot of weeds.

Consider these five steps to tend your cultural garden as you work and lead.