Of course you don’t know what to do. You’ve never done this before. Here are some alternatives to help you move from frozen to action.
My employees keep venting to me - how do I get the drama to stop?
As a leader, separating venting from important questions and concerns takes time and patience. It can be a drag to listen to people complain without solutions or bring you their concerns without seeing their role in the problem. Tune into three areas from Cy Wakeman’s work to decrease drama at your organization.
How do you coach your CEO to take action? Asking for a friend.
Painting Your Team Out of its Corners
It’s easy for your department leaders to get painted into the corner of their titles, defending their territory with the skills for which they were hired. But leaders on a great team learn to come out of their department corners and engage with their peers to find solutions that work for the whole organization.
Why unasked for help often isn't ... and what to do about it
You know as a leader, people are counting on you to help the organization. And you need everyone working together, giving their best, stretching themselves to be better. Sometimes, offering help feels riskier than its worth. Here’s one way to provide feedback that gets to results and builds your relationships.